Indian Recipes, Dharam-Gyan, Festivals, Quotes and Rituals

Here you will find Indian recipes, Dharamgyan, motivational quotes, and mythological stories

Welcome to, where culinary creativity meets vegetarian delights! We’re thrilled to have you here and deeply appreciate your visit to our blog,  we’ve carefully curated a tantalizing array of vegetarian recipes. Each dish not only promises healthfulness but also indulges the senses with its exquisite flavors.

Cooking, much like any other artistic pursuit, is a form of skilled craftsmanship. It’s a medium through which culinary enthusiasts, like yourself, transform simple ingredients into masterpieces, leaving a distinct mark on every recipe they craft. Within the realm of cooking, recipes serve as blank canvases, eagerly awaiting the stroke of a chef’s creativity. Each dish becomes a manifestation of the chef’s artistry and passion, offering a unique journey through flavors and textures.

We cordially invite you to immerse yourself in our culinary creations, where every bite tells a story of innovation and dedication. Join us on a voyage of gastronomic exploration, where each recipe is a testament to the beauty of thoughtful culinary expression.

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Kheer - Indian Rice Pudding
Pav Bhaji

Discover how to make your favorite foods with recipes and step-by-step instructions.

Ingredient - Love to Know

Read about Indian mytholigical stories

Uttara Kaanda RamCharitManas उत्तरकाण्ड
Dharam Gyan

Uttara Kaanda RamCharitManas उत्तरकाण्ड | रामचरितमानस

Uttara Kaanda RamCharitManas उत्तरकाण्ड – राम कथा का उपसंहार है। सीता, लक्ष्मण और समस्त वानर सेना के साथ राम अयोध्या वापस पहुँचे। राम का भव्य ...
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Baital Pachisi

पाप किसको लगा? – who sinned – Vikram-Baital

पाप किसको लगा कहानी हमें बताती है कि आपको बिना जो बिना विचारे निर्णय नहीं लेना चाहिए। काशी में प्रतापमुकुट नाम का राजा राज्य करता ...
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कौवा और उल्लू crow and owl Panchatantra Stories
Dharam Gyan

कौवा और उल्लू की कहानी | Crow and Owl | Panchatantra Stories

कौवा और उल्लू की कहानी : बहुत समय पहले किसी घने जंगल में पक्षियों की सभा लगा करती थी। जानवर अपनी परेशानी राजा को बताते ...
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शिकार का ऐलान
Dharam Gyan

शिकार का ऐलान | Shikar Ka Elaan | Panchatantra Stories

शिकार का ऐलान : सालों पहले एक घने से जंगल में कुछ जानवर रहा करते थे। उनमें से एक शेर था और उसकी सेवा में ...
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zoo, lion cub, predator-3726403.jpg
Dharam Gyan

Little Lion Learns To Roar | Panchatantra Stories

This is one of the best Panchatantra stories in English for children . How Little lion learns to roar. Deep in the jungle lived a ...
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Dharam Gyan

Rooster and the Donkey | Panchatantra stories

A long time ago, a Rooster and a Donkey used to live together in a jungle. Both of them were very good friends. The Donkey ...
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Fisherman and his wife
Dharam Gyan

Fisherman And His Wife – Panchatantra Stories

Fisherman and his wife story show how greed is harmful. A very poor fisherman lives in this hut. He lives with his wife. Each and ...
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Stock and the Crab
Dharam Gyan

The Stork and The Crab – Panchatantra Stories

Stork Crab – Once upon a time there lived a old stork by the side of a fish pond. He could not fish any longer, ...
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Rituals, Festivals And Traditions Of India

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