Blood Groups Matching

Blood Groups Matching and Avoiding the non-matching in Marriage Compatibility

Blood Groups Matching and Avoiding the non-matching Blood groups while checking Marriage Compatibility of girl and boy.

Male RH+ and Female RH- => Blood Group of Baby RH+

Mother produces antibodies to the blood type of Fetus

Biologically marriage should be avoided

Marriage between male RH+ and Female RH- leads to erythroblastosis

Therefore doctors advise not to have more than one child. This can be fatal for the mother as well as the baby of such parents.

Rh factor is a protein found in blood.

A person having Rh factor in blood is called Rh positive whereas that who does not carry this protein in the blood is called Rh negative.

There are two parts

Blood Group Alleles

Blood Type Rh+ or RH-

The ABO Blood Group:

The gene, ABO, determines this blood group system.

The four blood groups – A, B, AB, and O develop when the child inherits one or more of the alleles – A, B or O.

The alleles A and B are considered codominant while O is considered to be the silent allele.

Each parent gives one of their two ABO alleles to the child.

Mother with AB blood type can either pass the A or B allele to the baby.

Likewise, a father with O blood type can only pass O allele to the baby.

If both parents belong to the blood group O, the child will also belong to the O blood group.

Blood Group Matching in Marriage compatibility

Two A blood group parents can give their child either A or O blood group.

Two B blood group parents can give their child either B or O blood group.

One parent with A and another with B will give their child either A, B, AB or O groups.

Parent with A and another with AB will give their child either A, B or AB groups.

One parent with A and another with O will give their child either A or O blood group.

The ABO blood type charts below can be used to predict the possibilities of paternity.

The charts below can assist you to determine either:

The ABO blood type of the child when the blood type of the father and the mother are known

The ABO blood type of the father if the blood type of the child and the mother are known

ABO blood types can become further complicated to understand.

This is mostly due to the fact that the ‘O-type’ antigen is masked by the presence of an A- or B-type antigen. This is explained in the following chart, showing the different genotypes that make up the blood types.

Blood Group Matching in Marriage compatibility – for Quote click here

Genotype (DNA) Blood Type

AO or AA A


BO or BB B


For example,

Two parents with O blood type can produce a child with

only O blood type.

Two parents with A blood type can produce a child with

either A blood type.

or O blood types.

Two parents with B blood type can produce a child with

either B blood type.

or O blood type.

One parent with A and another with B can produce a child

A, B, AB blood types

or O blood types.

If one parent has A and another has AB, they can produce a child with

either A, B blood types

or AB blood types.

If one parent has A and another has O, they can produce a child with

either A blood type

or O blood types.

Rh Positive (Rh+) and Negative (Rh-) Blood Types

The Rh (+/-) factor is inherited separately from the ABO blood types.

Similarly to the masking effect of the O gene in ABO blood types, the Rh negative (Rh-) gene is also masked by the presence of a Rh positive (Rh+) genotype.

Therefore, a person may have a Rh + blood type and can still have an Rh – gene (See the chart below).

Genotype (DNA) Blood Type

(+ , -) Rh + , (+ , +) Rh + (- , -) Rh –

Furthermore, 2 parents with Rh + blood types can have a child with Rh – blood type.

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