Stock and the Crab

The Stork and The Crab – Panchatantra Stories

Stork Crab – Once upon a time there lived a old stork by the side of a fish pond. He could not fish any longer, therefore he thought of an idea. One day he stood still in the waters, with a sad face, without catching any fish.

The oldest crab in the pond, surprised, went up to him to inquire, “Why are you so unhappy? ” The smart stork said, “I’ll shortly leave this particular pond as it is going to be dried up by some people. ” I will fly away to a larger pond. Listening to this the fish and crabs in the pond went up to him to request, “Please save us too! “

The Monkey and the Crocodile | Panchatantra Stories

The stork conveniently agreed. He took a couple of fish in his beak and flew away. A little distance away, he sat on a big black rock and ate the fish. He then made many trips to the pond and ate lots of fish.

One day the oldest crab came up to the stork and asked him to save him as well. The stork picked him up and began traveling to the huge dark stone. The crab looked down from the sky searching for the lake. There was clearly no sign of water anywhere. All he noticed were fishbones spread all around.

The crab immediately clasped the stork’s throat tight with his razor-sharp claws. The stork struggled to get free. But the crab held on. Soon the stork fell into to the ground. The crab crawled back to his pond to tell the story to his friends. They applauded the crab for his bravery.


Excess of greed is harmful.

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